What caused it

I'm trying to think of everything I did. Sleeping on my stomach, the wine I had early in my pregnancy, forgetting to take my vitamin on some days, bending over too much, the junk food I ate, running around, having pressure on my stomach, rough sex. I told my brother and my dad and we told all our close friends. I was 12+2 and I thought I was in the clear. I was so excited to have this baby in the end but at first I was having second thoughts. I keep thinking God took the baby because I was thinking that and having bad thoughts. Maybe it was the stress I was dealing with. I was so lonely but I felt like I had someone with you in me. I was wondering why my nausea went away so quickly and why my belly wasn't growing but everyone on here would say it's normal and I'm just lucky. I'm scared to try again. I want a baby but I'm scared to lose them again. And your energy was so sunny and you made me feel like I wasn't alone and like I mattered because I had you to take care of. What did I do to lose you?