7 week old sleeping through the night!! What's going to happen to my milk supply?

Hello! My 7 week old came 4 weeks early, but is exclusively breastfed. She used a nipple shield until 2 days ago and ever since has been nursing without one. She is still learning how to latch so nursing sometimes takes a bit of time. I'm very good about making her nurse at least every 2-3 hours, but often during the day she eats back to back. I feed her on demand whenever she wants. 
My question is, is it okay for her to sleep through the night? Last night I set three alarms to wake myself up to feed her. She last fed at 11:30pm for about 35 min. She fed on the other side before this. She didn't wake me up last night and I didn't hear my alarms. I woke up this morning at 6:30am to her awake in her bassinet just hanging out, not crying or anything. 
Should I continue to let her sleep through the night and if I do, will my milk supply adjust or will I start not producing enough? 
Thank you for any help!!!