Birth Story :)

So my birth story is old, but it's still fun to tell! 
My son arrived on 11/16/14. I had no indication he was going to make his appearance, I put up my Christmas tree, cleaned the house, and went about my evening. At 3 am I woke with contractions so I took a bath, walked around a little while I timed the contractions. They were about 5 minutes apart. Then at 6 am they were 3 minutes apart. I woke my husband, we got ready and left. Arrived at the hospital around 7. When the nurses checked me, I was only at a 2! I was pissed because I didn't want to be sent home. As she was finishing registering me, my water broke! (yay! No being sent home) around 9 my contractions were on top of each other and the back labor started (ugh) so they gave me a small does of pain medicine in my IV, which made things tolerable for the next couple of hours. Around noon I was at a 4. 🙄 by this time the pain meds wore off, and they asked me if I wanted my epidural, after some convincing (I wanted natural) I agreed. I was exhausted at this point and was only going to get worse. So around 2 I got my epidural. Around 5 I was dozing off and I had stopped dilating (damn) so they gave me a small dose of pitocin and I fell asleep. An hour later I was at a 10 and ready to push. We did some practice pushes and apparently I was a pro, because the nurses told me to stop or they were going to be delivering me. My dr was still 20 minutes away. Miserable! My dr walked in as my son was crowning, 3 pushes and he was out (completely) head and body came out in one push! He was born at 7:04 pm. 6lbs 10 oz 19.5 inches long and absolutely perfect!