OITNB 🚔🕔 (Orange is the New Black) Season 4 WARNING spoilers

I decided to watch people's reactions to Poussey's death scene and just rewatching it makes me kind of feel bitter/animosity towards Suzan. I understand Suzanne was under pressure especially after what that CO made her do ,but she looked up to Taystee and her entourage as her family after the whole Vee thing. And Poussey was just trying to make sure she kept her cool/ that Suzan would keep it together. Idk I guess I'm not too upset with her ,but part of me feels like if she would've listened Poussey would've been alive. I don't really know how to feel about the CO. I have conflicted feelings for  him because it seems like he's genuinely apologetic towards what happened to Poussey. Judging by part of his story line he's not even the type of character to intentionally hurt someone. He also seems very honest. Part of me has a distaste for him because her life was taken and to everyone with power her life meant nothing. I know in that spare moment he wasn't thinking and was trying to restrain Suzanne ,but he was way bigger than her and applied unnecessary force. I really don't want Daya to pull the trigger because even though that man is an a.. It's only going to hurt her. Yeah he'll be dead and gone and she'll be paying for it. I don't want her to shoot him ,but I hope he learns a lesson when they say no weapons beyond this point and he decides to bring a fully loaded weapon to a prison. Let me know how you all felt... I'm trying not to get too worked up in that it's just to show