Why is everyone tripping that the Obamas daughter , Malia , was "twerking"?

KiaMiaGia • TTC Baby McDaniel #1️⃣
That's all I've been seeing on Facebook and hearing on the radio . I watched the video .. I don't see what the big deal was ... Coming from Louisiana , baby , she definitely wasn't twerking . 😂😂😂 she was doing more of a grind . That lil booty wasn't going anywhere . Plus she's 18 . She's grown . That's like judging a pastors daughter . You expect them to be this conservative do-gooder. Let them be grown - let them find themselves . That's can't always be in the parents' shadow . I think it was pretty cool . she was having fun . That's all that should matter . FB people are so judgy . 🙄🙄