How did you/will you decide on you child's name ?

KiaMiaGia • TTC Baby McDaniel #1️⃣
How will / did you pick your child's name ? 
Will they come from family members names ? Hubbys name ? Celebrities? Will they have meaning ? Or do you just like the sound ? Are there any dos or don't or guidelines ?
Example , me :
My SO picked our future baby's name through Babble . It was an African inspired name . Neither of us actually know how much African we have in us , lol , but we love love love the culture . We want to visit , but anywho , we did have guidelines . We wanted it to mean something significant and be unique but not too unique . We both agree that we don't want everyone pronouncing our children's names wrong , which I don't think we can avoid . I hear people pronouncing my SO's name incorrectly . (Romeo . ) but , yeah , we wanted our child to be able to write their name on paper and someone not be able to try to judge their race and social status based off of a name . That's just the world we live in . We want to make sure they have an equal chance at anything in life and We believe that's a start to it . So our don't was : not too unique , but unique. And it can't be too long . I literally have 26 letters in my name . Lol . I love it because every name has meaning but doggone! It gets tough when those spaces on papers aren't big enough !!!  Our do was : it has to mean something! They have to be proud of their name . And we both have to agree on it 100% . 
What about you?