Un-training the nursing crutch for sleep

I am pro-Babywise, pro-CIO, pro schedules etc. if you are not, I don't recommend reading this post in its entirety, please respect that all parents are entitled to the way they choose to raise their children when it comes to these kinds of things.
My LO is 6+2 weeks old and I am going to begin to try to get him on a schedule when it comes to naps, which in turn will somewhat schedule feedings. He has been in the crib since 3 weeks.  Right now he sort of naps ok in the morning but into the afternoon forget it. Almost everyday he is way overtired come bedtime, in fact yesterday he was up for 10 hours 😔 despite everything I did I could not get him to take a decent nap. Even when he would pass out during a feed he didn't stay asleep. I have a hard time getting him to put himself to sleep, I utilize white noise, dim room during the day and blacked out at night, swaddling, vibration on the bed, and occasionally the Binkie (although I try not to actually lay him down with it, I have no desire to chase the binkie all day). 
I do not utilize CIO at this point, I feel like he is too little for that. I try to reassure often and give lots of love. He has put himself to sleep at night before, it's just naps we have an issue with.