Severe back pain! 😖

Went to doctor today, seriously thought I was having back labor. Been getting stabbing pains in my back and in my abdomen since last night. They hooked me to the monitor and no contractions. Doctor offered me pain meds but I won't take anything by Tylenol. I just can't believe how severe my back pain is it is almost unbearable. I am trying for a VBAC so doctor said she will not induce me until 41 weeks I am currently 39 w a closed cervix and not effaced. But then today she offered me a c-section if I wanted to. This doesn't make any sense to me. They will chop me open without any thought but will not even give me an early induction bc it may fail. If I am in this much pain I think it should be I to me and not my doctor whether I wanna try to be induced or not.Â