
Last night I posted something related to this however more weird stuff has been happening. So right around when Glo said I was ovulating I randomly started bleeding, which is completely abnormal for me, so I took some hpts just in case, all negative. My period is always extremely regular on a 28 day cycle, and this month I ended up hitting 32 days before "starting", i even took more hpts that said negative. Last night I randomly started spotting, wasn't even enough for a tampon. Then it stopped, and this morning I was having my normal period cramps, but I'm hardly bleeding, when I normally have an extremely heavy flow.

Any idea what this is?

I was thinking pregnancy because it's weird that I've had two abnormal bleeding related things that aren't like my period, I've been have sore breasts, which isn't normal for me, and I've been having a sore back (on top of being extremely tired).