What does my ex boyfriend mean when he's saying sorry when he's not the person to apologize?

Yes I want you ex back. We were having a normal conversation and I said good night then he said "I just wanted to apologize for everything I did to u while we were dating and all the things I have said!  Anything mean I have said I want to apologize for and I know that the pain can never be truly forgiven but I just want to let you know that I am truly sorry!   I was a dick and a mean person and I should have never done or said any of those things!  I'm sorry" then I said " I forgive you. I know you would never try to hurt me. I mean you are still a big part of me. And it's hard to just let that go." Then he said "I am still learning in life and I'm still just that dumbass teenage kid that doesn't know what the hell is happening or even going on around him and I just have to figure myself out and try to find who I should be and who I need to be!" What does this even mean. Like what is he getting at?