So mad at hubby!

So, posting anon because he has at least signed up for an account.....BUT!!
Tonight is date night. Now, my husband in the 5 years I have been married to him has never once been on time for anything, EVER. It is something I decided to deal with because I love him and he deals with me leaving clothes everywhere (he still, and neither do I, doesn't understand how shirts and pants end up off in the backyard. I dont even go back there!). 
But, I am 6 months pregnant and on time for everything and he is 35 minutes late and I might fucking murder him!!! 
Just venting, wouldn't trade him for the world. I know he's being rude and inconsiderate, but the only time's he's ever late are when he's dropping off the kids and he hates saying goodbye. Can't even really be mad. 
But I am two seconds away from murderinng him. 
And I am really hungry.
Update: am fed and significantly less murderous! Yay pregnancy hormones!