Wanting to start trying NOW!!! But my husband says not till November.

We just lost a baby in June and I recently finished up my first normal cycle. The doctor said after my first cycle we could start trying right away, which was the plan!!! But now my husband wants to wait until we are out of debt. I get that, it's wise. But that could be anywhere from January of 2017 to the next couple years!! I feel like I have this gaping hole in my life now and I want to get pregnant right away. Our baby's due date is gonna come and go and with no baby, I'm going to absolutely shatter. So we said November we would start trying, but I just don't know if I have the patience. It's really really hard to wait, I'm about ready to start poking holes in all the condoms hahaha just kidding, I wouldn't ever deceive my husband like that but it is oh so tempting. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest. What should i do? Should I talk to him about it one last time? Should I just suck it up? I hate this so much. I want my baby 😞