Last 24 hours breastfeeding- not by choice

During my pregnancy I was diagnosed twice with blood clots in my left leg.  For my entire pregnancy, and these past 2.5 months, I have been injecting myself with a blood thinner.  I was recently told that I needed to be taken off of the injections and placed on a pill.  Unfortunately, my two options aren't good ones.  The one blood thinner you absolutely cannot breastfeed while taking, and the other doesn't have enough research to determine if it is safe or not.  I'm not willing to take that chance.  I'm being forced to stop breastfeeding and it breaks my heart. This is my last baby, and the only baby out of my four (ages: 9, 11, and 14), that I've actually WANTED to breastfeed.  It's bittersweet for me because I've waited nearly a year to end the injections, and I'm heartbroken because I won't have that special thing that I can only do for my daughter.  😭