I need advice 🙄

So I'm going to try my best and shorten this story up. It's been bothering me for some time and I just need some good, honest, and thorough advice straight up. 
It's this guy I met and we clicked. Talked on the phone like every other day and texting. I've looked out for him on occasions like getting him a cab to come to my house, ask a friend to pick him up from work, bought him a chain for his necklace, etc. Mind you I've only known him for a short period of time but I really and genuinely liked him like that. So we have been intimate a couple times before (didn't give it up the first night but other things occurred 😏😉) but things were still cool after that. One day he left my house and told me to call and when I did I never get a call back or answer. I know that he just had a premature baby that's still in the hospital but that never stopped him from communicating with me. So one drunk night I was blowing his phone up and he still didn't answer but I called a friend of mine who was with me the day I got his number and told her to call the dude cousin (which we both got their number at the same time) to see what's good. Long story short, I kinda was going back and forth with the cousin about the dude whereabouts, I claimed that he was having sex with someone else (he's not my BF btw) and I just went off to the left with the cousin but somehow (which I don't remember at this point) I talked to the dude that I really like for 11 mins on the phone. I don't remember how the convo went but according to my cousin it wasn't a bad convo and I wasn't going off. The next morning I text him apologizing to him about the other night and I explained that I didn't remember everything and if I act a fool I apologize and just let me know if you want to be bothered with me or not. This happened about 2 weeks ago and still no reply back or call. I tried calling for the last time on Saturday I believe and left a VM but still nothing. So my question is:
Should I just leave this situation alone and just call it quits and move on? Did I do something wrong? I apologized but why no response? Especially the fact we talked about everything else and he's talked so highly of me to his cousin, mom, etc. I'm just to the point where I want some sort of closure and want to know what I did wrong cause I know I was intoxicated. 
Please no negative comments just friendly but honest opinions..! Thanks!