Rant ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

Sorry I have to go on this little rant this morning. All these woman, both in my life & on here bragging about how they got pregnant after one month of trying & they get pregnant on accident & have abortions. Seriously, there are people who have been trying for months, years, a very long time. Please stop rubbing it in people's faces. Seriously! Twice this week alone I've had someone tell me they are pregnant. One girl didn't want to be & planned an abortion, the other got off birth control & got pregnant the same month. Then told me I must have something wrong with me because I have not gotten pregnant yet. 9 months! I've been trying for 9 months & off my birth control for a year! I don't need your pregnancies shoved in my face. So please kindly go fuck off. Okay rant over. Sorry just had to say it.