So disappointed

Let me just start by saying I have an AMAZING 3 year old son. We weren't exactly trying for him, he just happened. I always wanted 2 children but my husband was hesitiant and wanted to wait a little while after our first. We finally stated trying a year ago (got the IUD taken out), i assumed that the next one would be quick and easy. Unfortunately, it wasnt. We went 8 months without any sign of pregnancy, and each period was harder than the last. Then I got a positive test! And then started bleeding. Had an early miscarriage. We wait a month to emotionally and physically heal and started trying again. Had a few more months of no signs. This month I was CERTAIN I was pregnant again- sore breasts, nausea, exhaustion, food aversions, heightened sense of smell etc. based on cycle I wasn't supposed to start my period for another week so I hadn't tried a test yet. And then I woke up bleeding. Emotionally it feels just as bad as when I miscarried. I'm crushed. 
I guess I don't have a question... Just needed to vent.