Am I being too selfish?

Miri • Mama of an angel baby and a Potters Syndrome boy who bravely fought for 6 months
Little background first - my baby boy doesn't have kidneys and so my husband and I travelled from Houston to Cincinnati to participate in an experimental treatment that involves a surgery to put a catheter in the womb with a port at the end that they push fluid through three times a week to replace the amniotic fluid that isn't being made by his kidneys so hopefully his lungs develop right. And since that surgery almost 7 weeks ago I've been on bedrest and everything has been about the baby. 
And I know it may be selfish of me but I want things to be about me again, even just a little bit. Like I feel like everyone only cares about how my baby is doing and not how I'm doing anymore. And I get it - he's really sick. But I haven't done one thing for myself since finding out 11 weeks ago and I would just like to do something for me again. But I'm stuck in bed. Should I just suck it up until baby comes? Am I being too selfish about all this?