Finally a good experience at my doctors office πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜£


Too bad it wasn't with my doctor.

My doctor is quick, rushed, and doesn't seem to give a shit and is annoyed with answering questions.

Well a nurse practitioner started and my doctor was not in the office so she checked me. She listened, answered questions, provided some decent answers actually, and was super gentle when checking for the position of the baby through my stomach and during my cervical check.

She gave me information about which way she thought the baby was (other than just head down), and gave recommendations for making my next appointment since my due date is sunday. And she told me to make it for Monday because I am favorable to be induced now and can talk to the doctor about it then.

My doctor has never once done any one of those extra things. He only answers questions if I force him to stay, he checks heart beat of baby, measures my stomach and doesn't give a number unless I ask, and the past two times does cervix checks and practically runs out of the room.

Why can't she be my main OB?! πŸ˜’πŸ˜­πŸ˜’πŸ˜“ (I plan to switch, but we were already in too far by the time we realized our dislike for him)

But on the bright side... a week ago at 38+4 I was zero effaced and zero dilated. Today at 39+4 I'm at least 1cm dilated and 50% effaced!!! It's not much, but it's progress and at least betters our chances of being induced if I go much farther. (Baby is measuring big, I'm 4'10 with a narrow pelvis. So a smaller baby would be better lol)