Growth spurt?

My baby is 13 weeks and for the past week he's been off...eating a lot, won't let me put him down without crying (maybe like twice a day Hell actually be quiet) and past couple days his night time stretches have been only 1 hour!! 😩😩 what's happening?!??? I'm losing my mind!! I heard in growth spurts they sleep a lot but he hardly sleeps during the day. He'll fall asleep easily at breast but staying asleep is another issue. He's up after only about 10-20 mins. Right now it's 5:05 am and I haven't slept at all. I slept one hr and then he woke up and I couldn't fall asleep again and decided not to sleep anyway Bc he just keeps waking up. I'm sitting on my couch with him on my lap sleeping. 😩 God this is so hard. I'm so tired of being a mom. 😭😭 I can't even complain to anyone Bc everyone judges moms who complain. I'm so fed up though!! I just wanna cry but it's useless. On the one hand I want to enjoy these moments but on the other I'm thinking about 10 years from now when he'll DEFINITELY be sleeping through the night. 😫😫😫😫