Feeling down

I should be on my hen weekend right now. But due to ass hole family yet again it didn't happen. Everybody cancelled on me, after my sister organised a very expensive weekend. So I organised a cheaper weekend, only for everyone to cancel again. So my sister was meant to organise a night out but she "forgot" to. So my mother tried a last ditch attempt at a night out and nobody would go. It's always the same when it comes to me. I just wanted a fun night because I'm a FTM to a 13 week old and wanted to feel like me just for one night. But now I know the only person who always has a smile and is happy to spend time with me is my 13 week old. It would have been nice to have someone do something for me and everyone to make some sort of effort. But it was the same for my baby shower. Why I'm even having a big wedding and inviting all these people to celebrate with us is beyond me. Sorry I'm just feeling very sorry for myself right now. You do everything for everyone to make them all happy and your not even an after thought to them.