
I was 5 weeks today, I started with light spotting yesterdy and then a brown discharge glob, It was so scary to see this, I emailed my doctor right away and sent her some pictures, mind you I had a prenatal check appointment already scheduled the next day, my doctor said spotting is normal and said she would examine me, but into midnight it became heavy bleeding with some blood clots. Today I woke up feeling so empty, I knew that I was no longer pregnant. I wanted to believe that by a miracle my baby was going to be ok. I prayed so hard all night and all morning. 
When I got to my appointment I seen the prenatal clerk they gave me a whole bunch of paper work to fill out, I felt really bad filling this out knowing that I was no longer pregnant, this was suppose to be an exciting day for me... Once the clerk called me in I let her know what was going on, she put a hold on the paper work and labs until the doctor examined me, I was sitting in the waiting room so anxious, nervous & feeling extremely fatigue. 
We did not see anything during the ultrasound, no sac no baby. Doctor confirmed the miscarriage... 
One of the saddest day's of my life.