FET- 16 frozen

FM • 34 yo- TTC since Oct. 2012. Endometriosis And 9cm Fibroid excised in Oct. 2015.
Just finished my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle Friday and we are doing a freeze all as I was at risk for OhSS. So did not transfer. 
Today is day 3 and was told that 16 of the 20 embryos made it to freeze! Is this normal? Glow doesn't even let me add this many into the log!  The number seems so high and I want to know what I should be asking my doctor as far as quality/thawing etc. When I asked him he responded: 
"Only potentially viable embryos are frozen. Of course not all will lead to a birth , but ststistically I would think that 30% may lead to a birth."
I am so excited just wish we would have done the transfer.  Maybe it is better we didn't as I triggered with Lupron rather than the HCG, not really sure.  
As soon as I get my period, I will be taking estrogen so we can do a FET right away!!