TTC #1

Gwendolyn • For this child I have prayed, and the Lord has granted me the desires of my heart.
Hello! I'm 20 years old and married to my very best friend and we recently decided to start TTC baby #1! I'm beyond thrilled, but also definitely overthinking every little thing my body is doing or feeling. I stopped taking my pill a few doses after AF this most recent cycle and I know it could take a few months to regulate, but I also know I could have ovulated any time after my last active pill. I'm normally very regular with a 29-31 day cycle, however I have no idea what is going to happen coming off the pill. The hubs and I BD a lot the week I stopped the pill, then I went out of town for a week to help his (pregnant) sister move, and we have BD nearly every day since coming back. I'm starting to feel my typical PMS symptoms (cramping, sore breasts, acne) but it's a little early for me to be feeling so drained and moody. Every symptom seems to be so much stronger than I'm used to and happening earlier than normal in my cycle. I could be reading into things way too far since I have no idea how my body ought to be reacting now that I'm off the pill... I have a whole week to wait for AF, but I want to know if it could be worth it for me to test earlier than that or if I should just wait it out. 
Any input or advice you have is welcome!!!