Scared mom First trimester


Hi everyone, I'm 6 weeks pregnant and last night I had a scare. Went to the ER for spotting and cramps. My first sonogram was at 5 weeks and they were able to see the sack but no baby because is really early. Last night in the ER they saw the sack but no baby yet. They said it still might be too small. They did blood work and said my levels are not where they should be for someone that is 6 months pregnant. I took the info to my gyn today and I'm doing more blood work on Friday to see if my levels have changed (hopefully for better). Has anyone gone through a similar experience?

At 5 weeks my O/B said the sack measures 5 weeks so everything looks normal. The doctor at the ER said the sack measures 2-3 weeks. They really confused me because either the sack shrunk or everything is wrong from the beginning. I'm so scared because I've had 4 pregnancies and only 1 child. I need prayers and positivity going my way. Hopefully my hormone levels go up and next week we can see the baby and hear a heartbeat. I have all the symtons from sore boobs, nausea, dizzines, mood swings and cramps. I'm so scared and can't stop crying and worrying and y fiance is super worried about the baby and how the outcome might effect me. We really want our little peanut to survive, grow healthy and drive everyone nuts. Really need prayers.

Thank you in advance beautiful ladies.