Need mom advice! Preschool

Not baby related but I need some advice from other moms who have kids! I'm 30 weeks and the stress just keeps building. Today when I picked up my 3 year old daughter from preschool, the director tells me that she keeps having accidents and the teacher can't help her because its taking too much time away from the other kids (there is only 1 teacher in the classroom). I didn't say anything but "okay" because she doesn't have accidents at home so what can I even do?? I'm not there to remind her. In my opinion they need another teacher but I'm not about to get into an argument with this lady. If I asked for the teacher to remind her if she has to go potty, she would just say it's a requirement that preschoolers are fully potty trained to be in that class (she turned 3 in February and has been using the potty for about 9-10 months. Not that long so accidents are bound to happen) On top of it all I got written up at work for being out 2 days sick. How would you handle the daycare situation? I'm stressed to the max and thinking about just quitting my job 😔