Advice please:)

I am so excited. My husband and I are going to start ttc baby #1. I am over the moon happy. I've been tracking my periods on the <a href="">glow app</a> for awhile. I need some advice. Is there products  such as ovulation tests and pregnancy test people have used to help ttc a baby? What shall I do to prepare my body and his body? Do we need to go into the doctor now or do we wait after a year of trying?
 I don't drink very often and it's usually just a glass of wine. I don't smoke so we are good there. I guess I just need as much advice that I can get from other people who are ttc themselves and what people did to help them successful conceive. I'm afriad that it will cause stress because I know there are times where it can take awhile and other factors. Please, give me any advice you guys have for beginning to prepare a baby into this world! I would very much appreciate it. It seems like when I post I don't get a response so anything will help!