He refuses bottles and binkies...

My son is now 10 weeks old, and for about 4 or 5 weeks now we have been trying to get him to take a bottle or a binkie but as soon as the plastic touches his mouth he freaks and will not have it. We've tried now 5 different bottle brands, and 4 binkie brands, tried my pumped milk and goats milk formula and have gotten nothing to work... The kicker is that he is still eating every hour to hour and a half (doctor said he's a "snacker" and is having smaller more frequent meals..) So needless to say I'm so so tired and frustrated. I feel like all I do is nurse... And all this nursing i think is getting him used to being held to sleep so getting him in his bassinet has been difficult... I know its alot, but even to know I'm not the only mom going through this i think would be worth it...