lol help

Ok, I started my period well over two years ago, and let me just say I sure do know my stuff, because home girl spent the first two weeks of period straight up doing research on periods. Honestly, the past two years have been beyond rough. I have bled through more underwear, pants, blankets, sheets, and even onto a mattress than you can imagine. My flow is kinda cray cray heavy. I have to wear a heavy flow tampon and night pad for atleast three days straight of my period and change atleast every 2 hours or I'll bleed through. The cramps are so bad I can't leave my bed. I've tried every trick in the book. I once contemplated suicide because of how much pain I was in. I get so bloated that I look 5 months pregnant. I honestly don't know what to do, because it has kept me from loving my life. I should go to the doctor, but I hate to burden my mom, because she's busy and already going through a lot. I don't want to worry her. (Please don't pity me, there are WAY better things to worry about than little old me who is blessed as ever.)