Trying to conceive our 2nd child......

Emma • Pregnant with baby boy #2 due August 2017
Hi, I was on glow over a year ago. My son turned 1 last month and we have decided (literally last night) that we would try now for our second. Just need a bit of advice though as after having my son I bled for quite some time and my body hasn't really been right since, they finally gave me the pill 2 months ago and touch wood since then I haven't bled. I know what some of you must be thinking - that I haven't been on the pill long or I need to get myself sorted but I'm worried I may not even conceive straight away. And because I don't know when my last proper period was I'm finding it hard to work out when is the right time to try for a baby. How long did it take for all you on or trying for your second? Do I need to wait for a period first or could I fall pregnant straight away? Seems ages ago since I last did this ha. Sorry for the essay and I would appreciate your input on this xx