Mommy dearest


My SO and I were having an argument over the phone. I tried to finish the convo because I hate arguing (plus over the phone) and his mother was standing right by his side.

I never wanted to share such moments with my family or his family. I like to keep private matters private. So I ended up saying "I don't want to argue over the phone, not with your mommy near by". He took ofense but later realized I never meant to sound mean or disrespect his mother but I do think she's nosy and I want our business to be private and so he needs to respect me and keep his mother out of such matters.

What did she do? She called me. I, trying to be coherent and keep her out, did not answer so she called my mother. My mother knew nothing and completely taken my surprise because my SO mother was pissed.

What was she looking for when she called my mom? I've always keep my business private and who does she think she is? Bringing MY mother (her "friend" just because their kids are in a relationship) into the equation.
