First day with Menstral Cup: little Tmi

Well well well, today great Aunt Flo decided to scare the shit out of me when I went to the bathroom this morning. I'm currently on vacation with my mom, in a hotel. I ran to my bag grabbed the diva cup box and locked the bathroom door with my iPad, watched a few videos on how to insert it, read the instructions, then decided to say fuck it lets do it. BOY LET ME TELL YOU HAVING A NATURALLY EXTREMELY TIGHT VAGINA IS SO HARD when trying to insert a diva cup. It took a few trys, I basically folded the cup by taking one side and folding it all the way down and just hoping for the best. Shoved it up there turned it, it felt so weird at first but it's not as bad as I thought. No leaks really, changed the cup once. I got my hands super bloody though, and the stem at the bottom is slightly unforgettable. But here I am at the lake not even thinking about tampons (which I hate). I've always had a thing with tampons and peeing, I HATE IT. idk if I will sleep with it in. If anyone had any tips please leave them down below. I think his may have actually solve my rash and cramping problem guys :)))