Just wanna brag on my husband a lil...

So last night after a super long day filled with transporting the boys to sports,  dealing with entitled moms, play dates, and a horrific grocery shopping trip. When I got home, I was feeling completely exhausted and frustrated. When I walked through the door, my husband had beautiful flowers on the table, a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings, a super hot kiss, the most precious card, and my brother and sister in-law waitig to take the kids overnight.  He took me to dinner, and to see Bad Moms, which was freakin hilarious! We had some desert after and then an amazing night when we got home. Sorry, I just wanted to brag a little because he so deserves it, and he had no idea I was having a rough day, or I was feeling like I wanted to scream. He did this just because. I'm so thankful that I have such a loving considerate man who always puts our boys and I before himself.