HELP!! Am I out this month??

Please no harsh comments.  Just need to know if anyone has experienced these before their BFP.  I know every woman is different and every cycle is different.  I'm just making myself crazy and need some advice! I've already taken 2 tests & they were both BFN.  I'm sure it's too early, but I'm so impatient! 
I have an avg 31 day cycle.  I'm currently 12DPO and AF is due 8/13.  At 6 DPO I had light pink spotting, only once when I wiped which I NEVER have spotting. For about a week and a half now, these have been my symptoms: 
Light cramping/twinges all over uterean area
low back pain
emotions all over the place
Breast tenderness, not to the touch but just kind of achy (off and on). My boobs almost never hurt during PMS
Sore/hard nipples, off and on. Since my boob job & having nipples pierced I don't even have feeling in my nipples anymore so this is the most strange to me
Only 1 day I felt I had a mild uti - tingly sensation in my vaginal area, peed a lot more than normal, had a constant sensation I needed to pee, no burning or cloudy urine or straining to pee whatsoever
Funny feeling all around my vaginal area
Light headed/dizzy, some days
Leg numbness 
Today just started having sharper pains in my right ovary area
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  I will be testing agin Saturday if AF doesn't show! But I just need someone to talk me down!