Am I Wrong?

So my boyfriend is a lifeguard at the local pool. Today they had a BBQ and pool party for the guards and their friends and family because the pool closed yesterday for the summer. He told me to meet him there because I was running late. I got there and he's setting stuff up I get changed and we get in. A couple of my friends and my cousin were there because they knew the guards. I was chilling with them while my boyfriend played football. I look over suddenly and one of the other guards, a guards girlfriend, someone else, and my boyfriend are trying to put the girlfriend on top of body boards and getting her to surf the wave pool. But my problem is, she was holding onto my boyfriend and her boobs were in his face. Then she falls and lands into him and they were laughing. The party lasted a couple hours and he pretty much ignored me the whole time. I tried telling him how I thought that was disrespectful and I didn't appreciate being ignored. Now he's mad at me. Should I have not gotten bugged??