implant birth control!

Beth • First time momma! Have a lovely little girl 💋 kaylee rose🌹 6/4/16
Okay heres how this past year has gone: had severe nausea for 7 1/2 months of my pregnancy you name the symptom i had it, had severe edema, had low fluid levels so had to be induced, then while at the hospital they missed my epidural twice so they had to go in through my headache spot, then two days later i had a blood patch, the first 3 weeks home all u could hear in my ears were vibrations and then those gave me headaches, then i got pupps right before i went home from the hospital and then when i went for my implant insertion the dr told me as she was putting it in that i may experience pregnancy like syptoms because its basically tricking my body into thinking its pregnant and i literally shit water for the next 5 days and couldnt control it... Has anyone else had this problem with the implant because i just dont know how many more things i gotta have go wrong just to relax!!