Relationship problems, he'll please

honeybee • •save the bees•reduce/reuse/recycle•BLM•fucktrump•feminism•she/her•do unto others as you want done unto you•
So I'm 15 and I'm in a relationship of about five months but tonight we are having issues. We've had issues before but tonight he made a joke about my "bony ass" and he just took it waayyy too far. I felt like he shouldn't be joking about my insecurity in the first place. He only reassured me that it was a joke when j had to ask if he was attracted to me bc I was so upset about it. He didn't even apologize and he never apologizes unless I point out that I'm offended, even if he knows I'm offended. He's well aware that this is a part of myself that I'm self conscious about but he continued to taunt me and it made me start to rethink our entire relationship. Like are we actually in a good relationship? I love him and I'm in love with him and he says the same and we've discussed how meaningful those phrases are yet we have both agreed that we can apply them to one another. But now I'm thinking, while he pays for things like dates and tell me he loves me, does he treat me good? He's not always respectful to me when he's horny and sometimes will try to force my hand on his dick until I explicitly tell him I don't want to and he never asks me to hang out so I'm usually the one to initiate. Not only that, but we only ever do sexual things when he wants something out of it and not once has he done anything for me that I haven't given something back to him because he expected it. Another thing that's bothersome to me is he is easily jealous of when I snapchat other guys it other guys talk to me on instagram and requests that I block them. I willingly do so, and expect him to do the same when it comes to thirsty hoes. Recently a slut whom k do not like at all sent him a tit pic on snap and he blocked her, but continues to like all her pictures on instagram when he barely even likes my shit. Am I out of line here? Am I overthinking this and being too protective? Help me out ladies, I can't seem to think straight. And here's a candid pic of my tiny booty as well.