getting baby on a schedule with in laws

Hannah • Hey my name is Hannah. I am a 27 yo SAHM 💙👶🏻 💙4/29/16 💙👶🏻 💙4/23/18
Just a rant not sure if anyone has any advice that can help. 
My LO is 14 weeks. I live with my in laws. I have a baby on a schedule and during the day it's great he wakes up at 7:30 is up for a hour and a half then sleeps for an hour and a halt then is up again at 10:30 and the routine continues. Problem is in the evening when my in laws come home and on the weekends they don't care about my schedule at all. He naps for 1 hour before bed from 6-7 and they are constantly waking him up and trying to play and they call me a bad mother for making him sleep so much and they ask me why I don't like them and why I won't let him play with them. He's only a baby. He needs his sleep and when he has his sleep he barely cried and he sleeps through the night. I've had my SO talk to them but they just tell him he doesn't know how to be a father yet. It's so frustrating because my mother isn't like then when we visit or stay for the weekend. Fingers crossed we move out soon.