Help! I don't know what to do

Okay so lately my fiancé's faithfulness has been questionable to me. A lot of things have happened, numerous times, that put me on edge about it. I am currently 24w pregnant. I had a yeast infection about 3 weeks ago and it cleared up fine but ever since then my vagina has not felt normal. My labia have been very irritated and the only thing I can compare it to is the texture of a cat's tongue (gross I know). But it's on the inside of my labia and not only is it annoying but it makes me worry that it could be from something more than the yeast infection. My next OB appointment is the 24th. I'm not sure if my fiancé will be able to get off work to go or not. If he doesn't, I'm going to ask her to look and swab if necessary but if he does go I guess I'll just have to ask him to leave the room.. I'm not sure what kind of advise I'm looking for with this but I've never had a yeast infection before so I don't know if this is a normal symptom from it and I don't know if I'm overreacting to this or not..