Ladies who have endo I need advise

So last February I had a lap to get rid of my endometriosis and for once I had a regular cycle and was actually ovulating and was no longer in pain and after a year of trying I finally got pregnant 3 months post surgery now here I am ttc #2 and having no cycle what so ever so my doc has been giving me progesterone have my period and clomid to ovulate (first round failed) so he's upped my dose but when I was in to see him last I told him I've having pain again specially with sex (sorry tmi) but he's hoping we can push through and get pregnant again without the surgery well it's seriously getting so hard to have sex which is kinda important to ttc, last time we had sex I was doubled over in pain for a half hour after words so I'm wondering if I should keep trying or call my doc and tell him I'd like to opt for surgery again. Thanks for reading I really don't know what to do