so I could really use some first I was scared to ask, but I think I'm finally comfortable talking about it with others.
so I'm only 15 , but I have serious issues with boys!! I don't know why but there's one in particular. he and I have been complicated since the beginning. first, I had the biggest crush on him in middle school and during my eighth grade year, he TOTALLY took advantage of the situation and used me. he was very sexual and tried to use that to his advantage but I wouldn't have it so he ended things. it wasn't until about March or April until I realized it and I was totally crushed by it. 
ever since then we would barely talk, not as much as we used to. we would send a few messages here and there but I was so infuriating with him I wanted nothing to do with him. so I made a promise to myself since I was going into high school that I would not let myself be placed in a position like that ever again. it took me months to finally accept what happened and move on from it. and that was probably the toughest part! 
a few weeks ago, maybe the beginning of August, one of my good friends kept telling me that I should date him and we would make a good couple, but honestly the idea makes me want to puke! my friends said I should at least text him and so I did. since then he has texted me apologizing for how he acted before and that he still has feelings for me (but before he never made his feeling known like wyd🤔) and he wants to give this another chance, but I'm so uncomfortable with that idea I don't know what to say to him.
if anyone has ANY advice I could totally use it!! thanks so much❤️