Ex-best friend keeps posting offending things to my FB..

I've never been one to get offended easy, I usually say ignore the F out of it and keep your mind elsewhere. However this is starting to get to me, I was wanting your ladies opinions on what I should do. Let me give key you in - We (this girl Brittany) became friends junior year of high school I moved away after high school & we were still friends then when I was proposed to I asked her if she wanted to be in my wedding party & I can't read minds (I told her that because she constantly changes her mind about things, twist what people says, says one thing yet means another) so if she wanted to be in it tell me if not then tell me, she just kept dancing around it so I was like ok you don't wanna be in it then she got all upset pissy hurt because being a best friend supposedly meant I already knew she wanted to be in it. I told her I can't read her mind so wtf?
Before she got mad at me because of the whole wedding party ordeal she got a new best friend & I wasn't going to be some jealous B so I didn't say anything about it. 
(The only other best friend I've had is my sister but hello SISTER, and my cousin but their family? I still have my sister. But my cousin has became a total snob to me. I had a miscarriage she acted like it was NO BIG deal then she gets pregnant while living at her parents scared to tell them came running to me crying I was there for her and now she doesn't speak to me...) 
**You'll have to click on the picture to beagle to see what the article she posted to my page says.