Disrespect.. Good Lord.

Red • 26 | Married | Baby Girl 🎀 11/12/19
This Might be more of a rant on my part but may be controversial. How do you feel about this latest generation of kids? I have to say so many of them are such disrespectful, spoiled little brats!
I just had a little boy come in for a haircut that was about 6. The whole time he screamed at the top of his lungs, spit in my face, kicked me and punched me while I was trying to trim him up. (I'm a cosmetologist). What did his mom do? Just sat there. Just freaking sat there.. On her phone. Oblivious to how her 6 year old was acting. I ended up having to get stern with him so I could get the haircut done and his mom got shitty with me. I wasn't mean just sternly said "You have to sit still!" "You have to be quiet there's others here." "That's not very nice to spit on or hit people.." And she looked up and told me not to tell him what to do. Oh. My. God. I just thought 'someone needs to control him right now!'
Then yesterday had a 10 year old in to get her hair cut and she called her mom a bitch when she told her to sit still. If I said that to my mom it would've been game over!.. When they were paying, her mom was standing there running her fingers thru her daughters hair waiting on her card to process. The little girl turned around and screamed "GET OFF OF ME! I HATE YOU!" Her mom was embarrassed and said "Sorry, she's just mad because I won't get her a brand new iPhone." I didn't even know what to say except for "Oh.."
I see kids like this too often. At my work, in the store, at the public pool, etc. I just can't believe how disrespectful kids are to their parents and even complete strangers. It's sickening.