Ladies any advice is welcome..

My marriage is falling apart.. I'm 39 weeks pregnant with my second baby. My husband and I constantly fight... he has zero respect for me. Both his parents are pill heads & drug addicts.. he wasn't raised to respect women. Stupid me, right? I love this man, but this is exhausting. Yes, he provides for our family but besides that he hardly ever helps me clean, cook, or help with my 2 year old. I was in l&d the other day and he couldn't even be there for me because he complained how bad he was gaulded (rubbed raw) and he made the entire thing about himself. He looks at me like I'm the nastiest thing in this world since I've gotten stretch marks.. it just breaks my heart because he truly doesn't know how to talk to me with respect. Or show me respect... he's never hit me. But he yells at me alot. And I asked him to stop smoking a while back because he dips as well. And money is tight! Well what would you know he's started again... we are due to have a baby any day and hes so irresponsible. Immature. And rude. What should i say to him?? I feel bad for our children.