*Feeling lack of intimacy in my marriage*

Hey ladies, just wanting to see if anyone has any insight or advice for me...
My husband and I have been married for over two years, together for four, and we are in the process of buying our first house. My husband is an extremely hard worker and provider for us. I work full time as well. We don't have any kids yet. I've been feeling down lately because I somewhat feel we are in a sexual rut. We have sex maybe once a week and when we do I don't feel like it's passionate it almost feels robotic. Don't get me wrong, my husband and I love each other with all of our hearts and would do anything for each other. But I almost feel an emptiness because I'm a very affectionate person and he's just not. He's okay with sex once a week, smooches here and there and that's about it. If I had it my way I'd have sex every day..But of course we need to compromise. I feel as if my sexual/affection related needs aren't fully being met. I've expressed myself to my husband about this several times and he tells me he will make more of an effort but it never seems to change. I'm usually always the one to initiate sex too. I've tried the sexy outfits, etc. I just want to feel wanted for once. I've offered to him for us to go to counseling for it and he always says we don't need it and he will try harder..but he isn't. What should I do? I'm tired of being sad about this and I'm at a loss. What would y'all do..? Please help. Thank you for reading... 
Any words of wisdom are appreciated...