Can anyone relate to my situation?

Sorry in advance for this novel lol. I'm 33 years old. I never thought I'd be able to get pregnant but then I did, I was 28 years old at the time. My only child is almost 5 now. When he was a year old I found out I pregnant with another baby but sadly lost the baby 2 weeks after I found out I was expecting. Since then my periods were 39 days long,(I've always had longer cycles,) so a little longer than the normal 28 day cycle. Then last Fall , my cycles have gotten longer and longer. And now I haven't had a period in almost 5 months and I'm unfortunately not pregnant. Doctor ran tests and I'm very low on progesterone so she recommended progesterone pills because when I took those the progesterone levels rose. Well I don't really want to take the synthetic hormones because I'd rather do natural options like acupuncture and herbal supplements to help fertility. Plus I have issues to work on first like I found out I have an enlarged thyroid so I've been taking herbal supplements and going to acupuncture appointments. My acupuncturist said I first need to shrink my thyroid with supplements and to lose weight because I am very overweight and that would not be good for me or baby if I got pregnant. I'd be high risk. And he said he could help me with fertility with natural supplements. So im trying to get thyroid back to normal and lose weight and hopefully by next year try for another baby. It's just so frustrating to have to wait but I know it's best. I just wish my periods would be normal again. I don't miss my periods because I have such painful cramping but I know it's important for them to be regular, to help pinpoint fertile days. It's also so hard because so many people are pregnant near me and although I'm happy for them, I'm sad for me and my struggles. Just wondering if anyone else can relate. Thank you for reading. God bless you all!