Freaking out... Possible twin sonogram

So my mom swears left and right that she sees another face in my 16 week sono. And now im starting to see it too:/ ive been to 9 doctors appointments and have had 4 sonograms and not once did i ever have the idea of a second heart beat or even a second head. Help meeeee
1.8k views • 2 upvotes • 14 comments



Posted at
Looks like the umbilical cord hun definitely not another baby. Looks like one helthy singleton. Not to mention they would have definitely noticed by now.


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I vote that is just umbilical cord! 


Posted at
I've never realized how many doctors and ultrasound techs use this app! This is phenomenal!!! To have such professional opinions about every medical related post (without them having a proper title or degree) is so nice!


Meaghan • Aug 14, 2016
I've had 5 pregnancies and have 3 living children. I don't see the need to deal out "expert" advice on something I'm not an expert in. You're not a certified tech. You know some things not all. That isn't your area of expertise just quite yet. And people that have the certificate make mistakes. 😉


Kathleen • Aug 13, 2016
I'm actually going to school to be a tech but besides that I think a lot of the women speak from experience me personally have had 4 pregnancies.


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Next appointment show them and ask about it! Sometimes twins go undetected because one will hide, happened to a friend of mine! Good luck and congratulations hope you have a happy healthy nine months! 


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Yeah that for sure don't look like another baby lol and having 4 sonograms they would of detected it


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Doesn't look like another baby 


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It might look like the shape of a face, but that doesn't mean there's a baby there. 


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Nope - just one


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I think they would have told you by now!! I mean there would typically be a second heartbeat heard! And your hcg would have probably been higher and what not... you can mention it to your dr but im almost positive they would have said something to you by now! Alot of times twin pregnancies are classified as high risk it would be pretty irresponsible and unprofessional for them to just not mention it!


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Not a twin.