My birth story 🤗

megan🌻 • Mom to Kayden (8) 💙 Nellie (6) 💜 Sayla (11m) 🩷
My due date was July 28th and my doctor set me up an appointment at the hospital to discuss and hopefully pick a date for an induction. The doctor at the hospital said no, there is no medical reason to induce. He then performed an ultrasound and told me my son was weighing in at 9 pounds 3oz. I immediately start freaking out thinking I'll need a csection, why won't they just induce me now before he's so big I can't birth him vaginally?!! I was pissed. So they tell me to come back next week at 41 and we'll go from there. So 41 weeks comes along, I go in, they do all the same things, and my induction is set for August 7th. I was to come in at 7:30pm, they would start cervadil and in the morning they'd check my cervix and if all was well they would start pitocin. So I go home that night feeling relieved. I finally know that EVENTUALLY, my son will HAVE to come out of me lol. My boyfriend came home around 9:30pm that night. We watched Netflix, I showered, dried my hair and then we went to bed and had sex. Around 12:30 I was having some pains, I got up to pee and was spotting pink. I thought maybe it was from the exam I had earlier that day so I went back to lie down. My cramps started getting a little more intense but I sure as hell wasn't going in until I knew I wasn't getting sent home. I got up to pee again and I had bright red bleeding. So I go back into bed and start timing my cramps. They were already 5-7 minutes apart but with the bleeding I wasn't sure when to go in. So after about an hour of that I wake my boyfriend and tell him to get up, we need to go to the hospital. I'd already packed our bags but there were still some last minute things to pack. So I tell my dad we're going in, and on our way we stop to tell my boyfriends mom. She said she would meet us at the hospital, she was just going to get dressed. I made my boyfriend stop at McDonald's so I could get something to eat 😂 we get to the hospital around 2:30AM, they put me in a room, ask me some questions and then checked to see how dilated I was. Well I was at a 5!!! I couldn't believe it had gone that fast already. So I tried the jacuzzi tub, it helped the pain at first until it made me progress further and my contractions were coming closer together. I get out after maybe 10 minutes, they check me again and I'm at 7 1/2 cm!! My contractions are so close together at this point, I caved and asked for an epidural. Omg it was amazing!! So fast forward a few hours cause my epidural stalled me a little.. They break my water and tell me his heart rate is dropping a little bit and they put a thing on his head from inside to monitor his heart rate from there. They check me about an hour or two later and I'm at 10cm and it's time to push. So they bring all the stuff in, and then they bring in this mirror and I'm like "I don't want the mirror I don't want to see it" so the nurse turns it the other way and I'm like "no you can just throw it out the window I'm not changing my mind" lol. So I start pushing at 9am and his head won't go past my pelvic bone and I'm immediately thinking they're going to give me a cesarean. They made me push 3 times in each contraction, 10 seconds at a time. They let me stop in between each push just long enough to take like half a breath and then push more. They gave me an episiotomy (2nd degree) and brought in the vacuum to assist me since his heart rate was dropping. But they said I didn't need it because I pushed really well! So I finally get him out and he's not breathing and all of a sudden everything is serious and scary. My son is taken from me, and brought out of the room past the waiting room. My dad and boyfriends mom are freaking out cause they see everyone run past and my baby is limp. My boyfriend went to the nursery with my son and I'm laying on the bed alone, being stitched up by my doctor bawling my eyes out not even knowing if my baby is okay. About ten minutes later a nurse came in and told me my son was okay, his daddy was with him and everything was fine. He was a big boy, weighing in at 10lbs 11oz. When I was done getting my stitches my dad came in and was telling me what happened on the outside. A nurse came in and said that my son would be monitored in the nursery for about 4 hours and she wanted me to try and pump some milk for him to drink. Thank god my dad was there because he turned around and said "no, you take her in there to see her son and let her breast feed. She's not waiting 4 hours!" So they wheel me into the nursery and my boyfriend is there, and they hand me my son and I just start to cry. Hes so perfect. My boyfriend sat beside me and told me how proud he was of me, and how great I did. I had my perfect family ❤️ I cried again when my boyfriend held him. I would honestly do it all over again. I loved my birth experience even though it was scary. I never thought I could push a 10 pound baby out of me but I did it. He's now 1 week old, and I fall more in love every day. 💙
Kayden A'nikonhrí:io Canatonquin, born at 41 weeks and 1 day on August 5th 2016. 10lbs 11oz and 22 inches long. ❤️