Worried about miscarriage!

Ugh all this secrecy is driving me insane. I found out last week, and now am 5 weeks pregnant. I've been on a work trip for the holiday party and someone said "wow Angie, you look different, something about you! Something is different! What is it?" I like this person a lot, but I should have never blurted to him " I'm pregnant!" Well, I whispered it to him, but as we were talking about my symptoms, my HR director comes in.... YOUR PREGNANT!" I couldn't deny it on the spot so I just asked her o PLEASE not say anything and that I shouldn't even have told the other person- and that we haven't even told our parents. That night multiple people were questioning why I didn't have a drink in my hand... I denied it. Now as I lay here all this weird guilt sets in for lying, and for then telling these random people and not my parents... And then all the sudden... What if I miscarry? I am a very healthy person but I had endometriosis and it cases a lot of pain etc... What happens if I tell people and the baby doesn't make it? I feel like a crazy person going back and forth in my head, but had to get it off my chest. Just praying my baby is healthy and hate this period of not telling people. Any advice?