Not napping during the day

My little guy has been sleeping well at night in his crib.  Usually will do a 6 hour stretch then wake up twice to eat after that, but he goes back to sleep quickly and easily.  We just have to set him back in the crib and he's out.  However, getting him to sleep during the day is so hard!  I am trying to do an eat, play, sleep routine.  I have to bounce him or rock him to get him to sleep (when he shows signs of being tired) and he will sleep fine on my chest.  The moment I try to put him in his crib he wakes up!  We will do this several times until an 1 1/2 passes and then it's time to eat again.  He will sleep better if I put him in his car seat.  It's so frustrating though because he will sleep in his crib all night.  Anyone else have this issue?