Beau and Leo are here!

Lisa • Mom of 4 boys and one baby girl. Mom of a high-school graduate, preschooler in heaven, 3 year old twins and a 1 year old princess.
8/11 at 12:36 & 12:37 pm, weighing in at 6.6 and 6.15! At 35+3 we had a fairly easy scheduled c-section. Tuesday at my dr appointment my bp was a little high and my MFP saw that Beau wasn't growing anymore. My dr sent me over to be admitted and I got one steroid shot Tuesday and one on Wednesday. Then they let me go home bc my bp was great and they boys were doing fine. We delivered on Thursday and they were with us until about midnight when they sent them to the NICU for low bs and temp. It's Saturday night now and they're still in the NICU but their bs and temps are controlled now we're just waiting for them to start eating so they can go home. I'll get to stay here until Monday but they will be here likely another week. I thought being pregnant with twins was hard. No, delivering twins and having them in the NICU is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! I cry everyday, and they're doing well...idk how mom's who have to watch their babies fight for their lives do it. I'm just blessed my boys are alive and well and here.